1. Creed/’Aqeedah & Faith [aqeedah]
1.1. Tawheed & Attributes of Allah [tawheed]
1.2. Prophets & Books [books]
1.3 Angels & Jinns & Magic & Evil Eye [angels]
1.4. Predestination & Paradise & Hell [predestination]
1.5. Bid’ah & Kufr & Shirk [bidah]
2. Worship / ‘Ibadaat [worship]
2.1 Purification & Wudu [purification]
2.2 Salaah [salaah]
— Timing [timing]
— Adhan & Iqama [adhan]
— Congregation [congregation]
— Method [method]
— Non-Fard Salaah [nonfard]
— Misses & Mistakes [misses]
— Adaptation in method [adaptation]
— Women Salaah [womensalaah]
2.3 Fasting [fasting]
2.4 Zakaat & Sadaqat [zakaat]
2.5 Hajj & Umrah [hajj]
2.6 Du’a & Dhikr [dua]
3. Worldy Matters [worldlymatters]
3.1 Finances & Transactions [finances]
3.2 Huqooq ul ‘ibaad [huqooq]
3.3 Marriage & Relationships [marriage]
3.4 Eating & drinking [eating]
3.5 Manners & Behaviour [manners]
3.6 Habits & Customs [habits]
3.7 Miscellaneous [miscellaneous]
4. Disciplining of the soul. Matters of self-destructive evils
and self constructive virtues. [disciplining]
5. Religious Sciences [sciences]
5.1 Tajweed – Quran [tajweed]
5.2 Tafseer – Quran [tafseer]
5.3 Usool al Hadeeth [hadeeth]
5.4 Usool al Fiqh [fiqh]
5.5 Arabic Language [arabic]
5.6 History [history]
5.6.1 Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad [seerah]
5.6.2 Prophets of Allah [prophets]
5.6.3 Companions [companions]
5.6.4 Scholars [scholars]
5.6.5 Rulers [rulers]